This was the first of several planned GTD Skills Lab webinars. In this installment, we focus on the fundamentals of projects and next actions. Through a set of fun quizzes, engaging practice scenarios, and lively group discussions, this is a valuable opportunity to fine-tune your GTD practice.
You can watch a video version of this webinar from September 2022 at GTD Connect®.
This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity.
Knowing how to get the right things done is a key to success. It’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed. Stay focused and increase productivity with GTD Connect—a subscription-based online learning center from the David Allen Company. GTD Connect gives you access to a wealth of multimedia content designed to help you stay on track and deepen your awareness of principles you can also learn in GTD courses, coaching, and by reading the Getting Things Done book. You’ll also get the support and encouragement of a thriving global community of people you won’t find anywhere else.
If you already know you’d like to join, click here to choose from monthly or annual options.
If you’d like to try GTD Connect free for 14 days, read on for what’s included and how to get your free trial.
Note: GTD Connect is designed to reinforce your learning, and we also recommend that you take a course, get individual coaching, or read the Getting Things Done book.
Are you among those who have not yet made the review a habit? Experience what David Allen calls the "critical success factor" with GTD, by going through a complete GTD Weekly Review. You'll experience all 11 steps of the process, with helpful discussion along the way. The silent time to work on each step is edited out, so you can pause the recording on any step for as long as you choose. For the clarifying diagram, you may find it useful to have the GTD Methodology Guides handy, from the top of the Tools and Templates section of the Document Library. If you find that your review gets bogged down with a backlog of unclarified inputs, you can handle that with help from the Dealing with Backlog recording.
You can watch a video version of this Weekly Review from September 2024 at GTD Connect®.
This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity.
Knowing how to get the right things done is a key to success. It’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed. Stay focused and increase productivity with GTD Connect—a subscription-based online learning center from the David Allen Company. GTD Connect gives you access to a wealth of multimedia content designed to help you stay on track and deepen your awareness of principles you can also learn in GTD courses, coaching, and by reading the Getting Things Done book. You’ll also get the support and encouragement of a thriving global community of people you won’t find anywhere else.
If you already know you’d like to join, click here to choose from monthly or annual options.
If you’d like to try GTD Connect free for 14 days, read on for what’s included and how to get your free trial.
Note: GTD Connect is designed to reinforce your learning, and we also recommend that you take a course, get individual coaching, or read the Getting Things Done book.
Jens Hynne Petersen is a longtime GTD enthusiast. He recaps his GTD journey, with the 2019 GTD Summit a highlight. He has been interested in paper systems, but discusses his preference for using a digital tool. His participation in the GTD community in Europe grew into a role as one of the primary organizers of what has become an annual event -- a GTD Summer Camp. It's a weekend event held near Copenhagen, Denmark that has a remarkably devoted core of repeating attendees. From the description Jens gives, and the pictures from the 2024 Summer Camp, you'll understand why so many look forward to camp every year.
You can watch a video version of this conversation from May 2024 at GTD Connect®.
This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity.
Knowing how to get the right things done is a key to success. It’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed. Stay focused and increase productivity with GTD Connect—a subscription-based online learning center from the David Allen Company. GTD Connect gives you access to a wealth of multimedia content designed to help you stay on track and deepen your awareness of principles you can also learn in GTD courses, coaching, and by reading the Getting Things Done book. You’ll also get the support and encouragement of a thriving global community of people you won’t find anywhere else.
If you already know you’d like to join, click here to choose from monthly or annual options.
If you’d like to try GTD Connect free for 14 days, read on for what’s included and how to get your free trial.
Note: GTD Connect is designed to reinforce your learning, and we also recommend that you take a course, get individual coaching, or read the Getting Things Done book.
We turned David Allen's formula for organizing into a webinar, and this recording is the result. It's good for all GTD practitioners, new or experienced. As you watch and listen, you may want to have available David's table showing examples of how Meaning Translates to Organization.
You can watch this complete webinar from August 2024 at GTD Connect®.
This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity.
Knowing how to get the right things done is a key to success. It’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed. Stay focused and increase productivity with GTD Connect—a subscription-based online learning center from the David Allen Company. GTD Connect gives you access to a wealth of multimedia content designed to help you stay on track and deepen your awareness of principles you can also learn in GTD courses, coaching, and by reading the Getting Things Done book. You’ll also get the support and encouragement of a thriving global community of people you won’t find anywhere else.
If you already know you’d like to join, click here to choose from monthly or annual options.
If you’d like to try GTD Connect free for 14 days, read on for what’s included and how to get your free trial.
Note: GTD Connect is designed to reinforce your learning, and we also recommend that you take a course, get individual coaching, or read the Getting Things Done book.
Noa and Idit of Skills Boutique share gems of wisdom in this interview. You will hear about how they started their company to address challenges in the future of work, and found that GTD has the tools to handle those challenges.
They discuss how the language of GTD around outcomes and next actions creates a culture of trust. They also talk about the effect of culture on productivity, especially when employees feel they have to save the complex work for when they're home.
You can watch a video version of this conversation from May 2024 at GTD Connect®.
This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity.
Knowing how to get the right things done is a key to success. It’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed. Stay focused and increase productivity with GTD Connect—a subscription-based online learning center from the David Allen Company. GTD Connect gives you access to a wealth of multimedia content designed to help you stay on track and deepen your awareness of principles you can also learn in GTD courses, coaching, and by reading the Getting Things Done book. You’ll also get the support and encouragement of a thriving global community of people you won’t find anywhere else.
If you already know you’d like to join, click here to choose from monthly or annual options.
If you’d like to try GTD Connect free for 14 days, read on for what’s included and how to get your free trial.
Note: GTD Connect is designed to reinforce your learning, and we also recommend that you take a course, get individual coaching, or read the Getting Things Done book.