How does he do it all? Barry Hillam has a family, teaches and practices dentistry, and is a professional musician with a busy rehearsal and performance schedule. He also runs marathons and plays golf. Listen as Barry describes the event that catalyzed his search for a way to be more productive, the development of his GTD® system, and the ongoing refinements he makes.
Don't miss the six-minute coda at the end. We thought we had finished, but started chatting and found that he had more to say about moving from control into higher perspectives, and about optimizing desk time.
(Originally published in May of 2018 on GTD Connect®)
Part 9 of many - GTD® Live is the audio version of David Allen's complete two-day seminar that brings you the powerful principles of Getting Things Done®, including the Mastering Workflow, Managing Projects & Priorities models. Recorded live, this will give you a great hands-on experience with the GTD® approach, at your own pace. Take part in the exercises presented, just as if you were in the room with David by your side. It's a great way to get started with GTD®, or refresh what you've already built and learned.
If you'd like to purchase the complete seminar and binge it all at once, please visit the GTD® Store
Part 8 of many – GTD® Live is the audio version of David Allen’s complete two-day seminar that brings you the powerful principles of Getting Things Done®, including the Mastering Workflow, Managing Projects & Priorities models. Recorded live, this will give you a great hands-on experience with the GTD® approach, at your own pace. Take part in the exercises presented, just as if you were in the room with David by your side. It’s a great way to get started with GTD®, or refresh what you’ve already built and learned.
If you’d like to purchase the complete seminar and binge it all at once, please visit the GTD® Store
Part 7 of many – GTD® Live is the audio version of David Allen’s complete two-day seminar that brings you the powerful principles of Getting Things Done®, including the Mastering Workflow, Managing Projects & Priorities models. Recorded live, this will give you a great hands-on experience with the GTD® approach, at your own pace. Take part in the exercises presented, just as if you were in the room with David by your side. It’s a great way to get started with GTD®, or refresh what you’ve already built and learned.
If you’d like to purchase the complete seminar and binge it all at once, please visit the GTD® Store