From the archives: History, So It Doesn't Repeat, interviews David Allen. They explore personal productivity and how to clear our mental RAM. You'll discover how to Get Things Done® and learn how to make informed choices with ease, by learning a few keystone habits, you'll be primed to be productive and create a stress free environment. Learning is the answer, what is the question?
From the archives: David talks about all the keys to filing and how it relates to GTD® and how it creates "clean edges".
From the archives: David talks about having a window into the professional world for kids before they enter into the working life.
From the Archives: David Allen on setting Goals for 2010 with Christy Nicholson of Scientific American. Advice you can use for any new year.
Please enjoy a segment from a webinar David Allen did for our GTD Connect members. It’s a guided mind sweep. It’s a really great opportunity to experience what you’ll find at and also be able to walk yourself through this really important practice with your GTD implementation.
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#GTD #gettingthingsdone #DavidAllen #GTDpartner #GTDofficial #mindlikewater #FreedomFocusGTD #WeeklyReview #somedaymaybe
David talks about the value of the GTD Weekly Review®
GTD Coach, Meg Edwards, talks about how you can customize your lists and tells you how she sets up her action lists. Find what works for you.
In this episode, Meg Edwards shares how she performs an outdoor Mind Sweep. She models for us how a Mind Sweep can be done anywhere, and how this process can be used to bring additional items to mind when you're in a given context.
If you'd like to hear more about the Mind Sweep and how it can serve you in capturing more items to gain control, listen to episode 3 where David Allen guides you through a full Mind Sweep.
What do you do when brute force is *no longer* an option? That's a question that Byron Palmer, an innovator and Grazing Specialist for the Sonoma Mountain Institute, found himself wrestling with as he progressed in his career and life. Join Mike Williams, as he and Byron walk through his journey of discovering GTD, the value it brings to him and how he continues to integrate subtle elements to create greater levels of coherence.